In our final week of the challenge, we set out to encourage you to get outside into nature. We spend so much time indoors and at our desks that we wanted to inspire you with some simple ways to step away from the screen!
So, we started the week off by asking you……
Walk on grass with bare feet... do you ever do this?

We are constantly surrounded by suggestions and methods of how to "relax" and "take 5mins" and actually, the simplest (and free) method is right on our doorstep! Green grass!
Here is a reminder of the benefits of walking bare foot on the grass:
• Induces Relaxation
• Increase Alertness
• Improves Postures
• Healthy Eyes
• Strengthens Immunity
• Relieves Headaches
So, why not kick off your shoes, find some fresh grass and get your positive energy flowing and drink in the benefits?
Our next post was talking about starting your day off right and so we encouraged you to…
Go outside first thing in the morning. Breathe. Stretch...

It is amazing how this small step outside can make such a big impact to your day and mindset.
It is so easy to start the day by looking at our phones, opening the laptop or jumping on our social feeds to see what is happening in the world!
So, with the mornings being (slightly) warmer and brighter, we asked you to start the day with some fresh air and stretching and see if you can reap these rewards:
• Reduce anxiety and stress
• Reduce pain
• Detoxify the body
• Improve your posture
• Increases our cardiovascular capacity
• Increase energy
• Improve sleep cycle
• Improve blood pressure
If you haven’t done so already, why not try this tomorrow morning. We promise you wont regret it.
Next, we asked….
Can you find some wildflowers? Yes...a daisy in your lawn counts too!

It is wonderful to see wildflowers now being planted more and more as we become increasingly aware of the important role they play for our ecosystems and here are some of the wonderful benefits wildflowers provide:
The benefits are in their abundance…...
🌸 They provide habitat for pollinators
🌼 Important for biodiversity
🌺 Great composter’s and can help to regulate water filtration systems
🌼 Like all plants, wildflowers absorb CO2 and pollution from the air
🌸 Encourages interest and interaction with the natural world which in turn leads to less littering, better care of the environment and better mental health.
For our penultimate #30dayswild post we talked about tree hugging and why it is good for you and so we asked you to…
Step away from your office and find a tree to visit…

With the UK forests only covering a mere 12% of land area, more so than ever it is crucial that we keep planting trees and here are the benefits why:
🌳 help us breathe easier
🌳 can help with anxiety, stress, and depression
🌳 may help you sleep better
🌳 can improve our health – benefit our immune system
🌳 are homes to the wonderful wildlife around us
So, whatever you are doing today, make sure you step away from your desk, walk outside, find your nearest tree, sit down (if you can avoid the rain!), and reap the benefits!
Finally, we asked you to:
Look up…

We spend a staggering amount of time looking or checking our phones and that we forget to look up and see the beauty that is around us. And to help you, we gave you these ideas to help encourage you to breakaway from the screens:
⬆️ Busy Routine - then be cautious about the time to you chose to “switch off” – you want it to be relaxing and not thinking about getting back online.
⬆️ Group Activity - Encourage a friend, family member or work colleague to join you! You never know, you may find out something new about them!
⬆️ Phone Free Zone – it is so easy to check your phone last thing at night and this can influence your sleep pattern. So, try moving your charger out of the bedroom so by removing the temptation to check your phone that one last time before bed.
⬆️ App Reminders - There are apps you can download to set reminders to tell you to turn off, put on silent or switch to flight mode. As we can all get carried away and forget to stop!
⬆️ Benefits – the list is endless; reduce anxiety, support a better sleep pattern, time to learn a new skill, engage with your friends, family and work colleagues on a higher level and most importantly taking some time for YOU!
We hope that you have found the #30daysofwild challenge interesting and inspired you to make some changes within your business and personal day to day activities! The smallest changes can have the biggest effect on both the environment and your wellbeing!
Why not take some time to think how you can incorporate some of the tips and advice we have provided into your day? We’d love to hear which tips you incorporate into your day to day…