
J is for Just in Time

December 17, 2020
Advent Alphabet Series

Just-in-Time is not ‘just’ my approach to Christmas shopping, (although admittedly I’ve never been one of those super organised people who buy their Christmas Shopping in the January Sales!), Just-in-Time relates also to a methodology developed in Japan and made popular by Toyota in the 1970s.

Just-in-Time has its roots in manufacturing and logistics and is based on the principle that goods and products are only manufactured when they are needed, the concept of inventory is against the principles of the Just-in-Time approach, this is so as to reduce obsolete stock, storage space and costs, process waste and to improve cashflow – with little to no stock on the balance sheet.

A mature JIT operation requires a similar focus and approach throughout the supply chain, suppliers must be able to react quickly to small batch orders and product quality is paramount so a strong focus on quality control is essential.

And as far as my Christmas Shopping is concerned, my purchases never hang around for very long in my inventory, they’re usually bought, wrapped & distributed just-in-time for Christmas!

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