I set up HKW Risk Management Ltd in 2016 for various reasons, I believed I could offer a different type of straightforward risk management in an approachable and friendly way, I wanted to work on lots of different projects with lots of different people as I love variety and I wanted to work for myself to provide flexibility around my young family. I'm also not very good at doing what I'm told so PAYE employment was never going to suit me for long!
When I started the business, I worked on my own and was the 'Chief Everything Officer' with the all stress and excitement that entails. I initially focussed on health and safety and then started to add quality and environmental projects. As the business has grown and developed, I have built a team around me and we have slowly changed direction over time. I no longer offer health and safety support but now focus on quality and environmental projects. I also offer strategic support on a 1-2-1 basis with Directors of small businesses.
As a team we work with varying sizes of businesses ranging from a one-man band selling aircraft parts to a blue-chip law firm with over 1000 people in 4 jurisdictions. Sectors we work with include:
- Engineering
- Manufacturing
- Waste Management
- Professional services including Legal, Consultancy and Software