What do we do?

Business consultation meeting
There are things you are worried about - you are concerned that you haven’t identified and managed key business risks

Risk management is a key business process, and one you will already be doing automatically to a certain extent. However, you may be unsure whether you have identified all the risks and highlighted the ones needing further action to manage. By using SWOT and PESTLE analysis tools to identify what is going on inside and outside your business, we build a risk register which gives you the information you need to understand your business risk profile and manage it to an acceptable level.

You need to get one of those ‘ISOs’ to tender for bigger projects or gain access to a new market or bigger clients

Ah yes, those ISO things! They involve lots of numbers and slightly obscure language but essentially provide a structure to organise and manage your business. Once your management system is in place, it can be certified by an accredited certification body, which demonstrates to your customers that you are committed to effective management and continual improvement. Holding ISO certification is often a requirement to work with larger customers (particularly in construction and engineering) or gain access to the defence supply chain.

Your business is growing quickly, but the support ‘stuff’ just isn’t keeping up with the operational speed

This is common, often businesses have grown, changed and developed but are still using the original documentation, information and processes which are no longer fit for purpose. By using the structure and requirements of the ISO standards, we can update the management system to make it more effective and easier to use.

Your business is working well, (things are going out and money is coming in) but key activities seem to be done in a different way by different people, there is no consistency

This starts to become a problem when your business is big enough to have more than a few people doing the same task! Consistency is key to providing what your customer wants in the time frame that they want it in. By using the ‘process approach' you can have the assurance that things are being done as they should be.

You’ve had a complaint from a key customer

This started at least one improvement project – the threat of losing a key customer is usually enough to galvanise most companies into action. In this situation, we start with an investigation and root cause analysis to work out what has gone wrong. We then work with the relevant people (from the shop floor upwards) to identify suitable, long lasting solutions which will prevent the problem occurring again

You are not sure if your data and management information is providing you with ‘one version of the truth’

Every business has data and information, every business is generally measuring something – but is all that information telling you anything useful? We look at the context of your business (what is going on inside and outside it), identify the risks and key processes to control them, then design useful objectives which tell you what you need to know.

You can’t find anything (information, documents, templates etc) easily and quickly

This is a typical one, take a close look at the way most companies have ‘organised’ the folder structure on their server or cloud and it will probably make you wince. One client memorably described their server as ‘the knicker drawer of filing’! Although management systems are far more than documentation, the documents / information / templates people need to do things with are often the bit that gets the most attention – usually for the basic reason of not being able to find something quickly. We design a simple and straightforward folder architecture and filing structure so you can find the information you need, when you need it

You’d like to have the odd Friday afternoon off or a holiday without worrying about what is happening / not happening at work

A well-constructed management system provides you with the assurance that the information and governance structure is in place, so you no longer need to be personally involved in everything. By setting sensible objectives, putting the processes in place to achieve them and auditing those processes, you can be confident that things are working as they should be.

You are feeling lonely at the top, there is a lot going on and nobody independent to talk to about it

A lot of Directors of small companies do not have a formal Board to provide support. If you are the owner and driving force of your company, it can be very isolating without a support network around you. I can step into this gap and provide you with 1-2-1 support and encouragement. I spend time to get to know you and learn about your business, then work with you on a 1-2-1 basis for a defined period of time. You might want me to challenge your thinking about decisions you need to make, liaise with other stakeholders who are interested in your business or help you to identify, prevent or solve problems.

You don't have anyone to bounce ideas off to develop solutions to problems

Being a sole Director can be hard work, there may be lots of things going on with the business that you don't necessarily want to discuss with other people working in the business. Without anybody to discuss these with and get a different perspective, it can be hard to know whether you are making good decisions or not. I can help you by being a confidential listening ear or by using games and tools to provoke discussion and constructive dissent. I am good at creative thinking and seeing things in different ways which can help to unstick you if you are stuck.

You have set up a small Board but it isn't working effectively and you aren't getting the support you need

It is a big step from being a sole Director where you make and take responsibility for all the decisions to having to report your decision making to a Board of Directors. Having decided that you need a Board to support you and having gone to the effort of finding the right people, it can be frustrating when your new Board isn't working effectively. As well as working 1-2-1 with you, I can work with the Board as a whole to improve how it operates and functions. I can use various techniques such as the use of games to provoke discussion and constructive dissent to bring a Board together. An outside perspective can often be very useful and can lead to new ideas and encourage innovation.

We provide three types of project, usually to SMEs in Bristol and the South West: 

  • Quality management system implementation and support,
  • Environmental management system implementation and support,
  • 1-2-1 strategic support for busy Directors.

There are usually common themes and concerns behind all our projects - do any of the following statements resonate with you and what your business needs now? If they do, contact us for a conversation about how we can help.

If you’d like to see how we have helped clients recently, take a look at our Project Stories and Success Stories pages.

Let’s make your management systems simple

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