
Only One Earth

June 6, 2022

We only have one Earth. Today, for World Environment Day 2022, the theme we’re all thinking about is our one and only Earth. Across the universe there are billions of galaxies, containing billions of planets… but there is only one Earth. The annual campaign aims to bring awareness, discussion and change into action. Each year, World Environment Day focuses on the importance of caring for our environment and making sustainable change, this year using the #onlyoneplanet campaign to call ‘for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet’.

Overlapping with the Wildlife Trust’s 30 days wild campaign throughout June, there is even more focus being placed on the importance of our environment and the actions we can take to make a difference. As the UK’s biggest nature challenge asks us to do one wild thing each day throughout June, returning for its 8th year of the annual challenge, the Wildlife Trust shares little things that make a big difference. From watching the bees from your window and feeding the birds, to giving up single use plastics and digging a pond in your garden, it’s a month packed full of little moments that add up to create big change.

Earth is facing a triple planetary emergency. The climate is heating up too quickly for nature or people to adapt, habitat loss and similar pressures are resulting in an estimated 1 million species recorded as being threatened with extinction, while pollution continues to poison our air, land and water.

Our Earth needs us to make change. Our nature needs us to survive.
However, the reverse is also true. In our world of modern stresses, tech-based lives and disconnect from our natural world, we all need to find ways to reconnect with nature. Nature is part of who we are, and it should be part of our daily lives. It’s been proven that a connection with the natural world allows us to be happier, healthier and more relaxed and therefore anything we can do to build that relationship with nature is a positive!

Whether it’s simple connections to nature made at home and in our personal lives, imbedding nature into our working environments or making a conscious action to do some environmental good, each action we can take helps us and our planet have a better future. Our small actions add up to make big change. When each of us making regular small changes, consistently… this results in a whole population changing habits which creates real, positive change.

Over the course of June, we’ll be looking at ways we can be ‘wild’ and connect with nature, embedding good environmental practice into our lives, businesses, and mindset. World Environment Day is a vital campaign for bringing awareness and positive change to our planet but it’s more than just a day, bringing awareness and sparking change to continue taking positive action every day, for a better future.

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